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Более 7200 студентов прошли обучение

have finished their courses

Более 50 преподавателей сотрудничают с нами

teachers work with us

97% студентов успешно сдают международные экзамены

successfully pass international exams

Школа работает более 5 лет

The school has been working successfully for 7 years

How we work ?

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We contact you and choose the comfortable time for your demo-lesson, program and teacher

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We contact you and choose the comfortable time for your demo-lesson, program and teacher

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We give you discount for your first package

Our teachers

Junea Maragos

Irina Smirnova

Alexandr Lazarevв

Eddie Mercado

Shatskikh Marina

Wesley Hayter













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Our students’ responses

Alla Sokolova

I have been studying at English-Natali for 3 years, and also does my son. I advise everyone to study in this school. He won the English Olympic games and we are very pleased with the work of our teacher Julia! We wish everything good to the school.

Natalya Kupavtseva

The best teacher is Tatiana Zanina. Now my son has a wish to study English- and this is the most important!

Yulia Fedorova

I started preparation for the interview and managed to do it within 10 lessons. When I appeared at the real interview, my responses were automatic and I wasn’t afraid at all! Then my son started studying. He has been working with Russian-speaking and native-speaking teachers. I have very positive impressions about the school. Thank you very much!

Would you like to be the same ? Send your resuest for a FREE demo-lesson

English Natali school is:

1. Free schedule.

Study when You can. Plan your schedule. Our teachers are available24/7.

2.You pay only for real lessons.

You pay only for a real lesson with your teacher. If you have to miss a lesson for some reasons, don’t worry! We will transit it to any other time comfortable for you, and you won’t lose your money.

Different study methods

You choose the method of study from those offered by your teacher. Do you need spoken language, grammar, business, tourist, professional English, preparation for USE or help with homework? Experienced teachers will happily help you with all those issues.

4. Interesting topics

Study with interest! Many aspects of professional and everyday life and traveling are reviewed at the lessons. It is interesting and useful in everyday situations.

5. Guaranteed studies’ results

We guarantee that You reach your study goals! When you study regularly an systematically you can definitely improve your language knowledge with the help of online-courses.

6. Movement freedom

Wherever you are you always can study. All you need is stable Internet-connection. – at home, at the holiday, at the airport or during the break in a café. Use your time reasonably! !

7. Individual approach.

The peculiar feature of online-courses at English-Natali is individual approach to every client. We are interested in satisfied clients. They are our main advertisement.

8. Available price

The cost of lessons is remarkable lower than private lessons or studies at the courses. You can easily check it in the section Cost.

9. Certificate

At the end of the course you receive international certificate and an annex letter which includes your program and your test results.

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